Traffic Tickets and DMV Matters

About Traffic Defense
Traffic Ticket Defense
Patrick Fischer defends drivers charged with Vehicle and Traffic violations such as:
failure to wear a seatbelt;
failure to yield;
illegal turn;
following too closely;
and failure to stop at a stop sign/red Light.
DMV Traffic Violations Bureau Cases
Patrick Fischer defends drivers charged with moving violations before the Department of Motor Vehicles Traffic Violations Bureau. These cases are heard by specialized judges. A driver appearing before a TVB judge has two choices:
plead guilty;
or go to hearing. (Plea bargaining is not permitted.)
Patrick Fischer had the skills to successfully prepare your testimony, and present witnesses and evidence on your behalf.
DMV Chemical Test Refusal Hearings
Patrick Fischer defends drivers in DMV Chemical Test Refusal Hearings. Chemical Test Refusal Hearings are held to investigate a driver’s alleged refusal to submit to a chemical test and to determine whether the driver’s license and/or driving privileges should be revoked. This chemical test refusal hearing is independent of the criminal court case.
Having the right attorney at your Chemical Test Refusal Clearing can mean the difference between keeping your license or having it revoked.
Traffic Tickets
New York State's traffic laws are aggressively enforced by law enforcement agencies and come with harsh penalties. Even a regular speeding ticket can result in hundreds of dollars in fines, potential jail time, as well as points on your driver's license which can potentially increase your car insurance rates.
Some people facing traffic tickets simply plead guilty by mail and accept their punishment. This is not wise and can have far reaching negative effects for years to come. This is why finding the right attorney to represent you in your traffic matter is so important.
Patrick Fischer can help you fight your traffic ticket or negotiate a better outcome with less impact on your license and your bank account. Often, this can be done without the need for you to take time away from your daily responsibilities to appear in traffic court.
New York City Cases - Traffic Violations Bureau (TVB)
If you are issued a ticket for a moving traffic violation in the five boroughs of New York City then your case will be heard before the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles Traffic Violations Bureau. If you plead not guilty then your case will be heard by a DMV Administrative Law Judge.
A TVB Judge has the authority to decide whether you are guilty, set fines and take action against your license or driving privileges. Since no plea bargaining is allowed before the TVB, it is imperative that you have an experienced litigator defending you at your TVB hearing. Patrick Fischer has the experience necessary to help you achieve the best outcome.
Chemical Test Refusal Hearings
Chemical Test Refusal hearings are held to investigate a driver’s alleged refusal to submit to a chemical test and to determine whether the driver’s license and/or driving privileges should be revoked. This chemical test refusal hearing is independent of the criminal court case.
Having the right attorney at your Chemical Test Refusal hearing can mean the difference between keeping your license or having it revoked. Patrick Fischer has tremendous experience in ligating chemical test refusals and give you the best possible chance to keep your license.
Contact Mr. Fischer
Get in touch to learn more.